We’ve compiled some real answers for the avid adult webcam watchers who would love to find out more about the girls on screen. The questions were answered on a website by an anonymous camgirl. In case you were wondering… yes, a few of them are really weird. Let’s have a look.
- Yes, webcam girls work even when they have their periods.
The anonymous model who answered the questions on Reddit said she has an “incredibly short and light period”, that’s why she chooses to perform shows in which she does not have to undress. Makes sense now.
- People don’t approach you on the street to say “Hi there, I saw you naked online!”
Of course it is totally possible for people to recognize webcam girls, but they just do not run up to them for autographs. In case someone did recognize our anonymous girl, she said she would just ” ask then [sic] how hard they came and if I will be seeing them as one of my regulars”.
- How many shows do cam models have to perform in order to meet minimum-wage in America?
This is a tough one. Our anonymous model said she would need only 4 shows to get the money an average worker in the US does at $10 per hour @ 40hours/week. In a month.
- Male cam models vs Female cam models. Who gets more money?
It seems that most women aren’t that much into adult webcam shows. Usually men avoid doing this job as most of them are straight and they have to do shows for gay men. That’s awkward. But since there is not a big market out there for men, the pay is short.
- Most customers are really mean for absolutely no reason.
Well, it’s nice to rake in a ton of sweet cash, but the downside is that many clients can be mean for absolutely no reason. The anonymous model said most guys don’t just sit there to watch her, but instead say mean things to her. That may happen in minimum or medium-wage jobs, too, but we’re sure that those remarks are way worse than what customers say to fast-food employees.
- Some boyfriends actually understand this profession.
While we can bet that there were exes who were not totally cool with this, the anonymous model said she has dated men who have been “very understanding and supportive”. She was honest about “no one touching me”. She explained that she has boundaries and she would never meet those people.
Well, that’s awesome.
- “It’s just a temporary job”
Granted, there must be cam girls who definitely want to do this for their entire life, but this girl doesn’t want this. She was accepted into grad school and this “odd” job helped her pay for college, her bills, and other things. She admitted that 20s are not forever and that she will look for a “real” job.
- The family knows what they are doing for a living.
The anonymous girl said that a couple of close friends of her have a nice sense of humour about this, but they are understanding. Her parents had a shock when they found out, but they quickly got used to this idea.
- There are weird things, too.
Although she’s not a pornstar and she does not perform pornstar cams as the ones from here: http://www.iwantucams.com/search/model/specialty/Pornstars Cams, she spanked her ass with a spatula. She recited Shakespeare while fingering herself. She considers these moments as awkward, but funny. There are boundaries which she sets all the time.
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