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Posted By admin on 02/17/15 - Bookmark Celebrity Camel Toes

Kelly Ripa camel toe workout

Watching Kelly Ripa would be the ultimate fantasy, but for now we have to settle for a sweet camel toe on live TV. Kelly is a doll and I think she always will be. Like Betty White guys will be joking about banging that shit out for decades.

I find my gym porn on Sporty Porn. It is a resource for guys who don’t want to deal with searching the net and just want to watch good porn. When I was younger I enjoyed staying up until 3am looking for that ultimate video. I don’t know if I just got older or I got smarter, but that doesn’t appeal to me now. Let find the good stuff. Then you can chill and watch porn and still be in bed by midnight!

Blogged Under: Celebrity Camel Toes
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